Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One of My Favorite Places in Canada

Hey!!! I have enjoyed reading about places in your countries, so I'll tell you aboout one of my favorite places. It is called Tofino and it is on Vancouver island. Tofino is a magical place, it is a small town on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. There is lots too do there; you can go surfing (make sure you wear a wet suit; it's cold!!!), sea kayaking, whale watching, beach combing or hiking. Unfortunately is does rain a lot there, so if you go, bring along some rain clothes. I once camped there and had to leave because it would not stop raining. I'll post some pictures up soon!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Hi everyone!!! I hope you have enjoyed making your blog. This is a chance for you to practice your English in an informal way. We need to practice, practice and practice!!!! That is the best advice I can give you.

So my question for you this week is .........."What do you miss most about home?" It is normal to be homesick and I have noticed that students sometimes get a little sad this time of year. It is cold outside and it is just easier to stay at home and sleep. My advice is get out and be active - join the activities, go window shopping, go for a walk, go to the gym.....just don't sleep too much.

If I can help at all, let me know!!!